I have to say that we are super lucky. Aiden is the BEST big brother. He looks out for Noah, hugs and kisses him, plays well with him, etc. It is a beautiful thing to witness and I can not wait to see their relationship and bond grow stronger as they get older.

We took the boys to pick strawberries since Aiden loves them so much. Needlessto say it was hard not to eat them!! They even landed in the AJC!!!

We partied like ROCK STARS for Noah's first birthday!!! It was a great party (patting myself on the back)

This is Noah at the beach for the first time...and of course he ate some sand...lol. Hilton Head 2011!!!

The boys at the pool at the house in Hilton Head. Aiden LOVES the water...and LOVES Hilton Head. He calls the house the "Pool House" lol.

The week before Hilton Head Aiden and I went to the Bahamas to celebrate my little brothers 21st birthday. It was Aiden's first stamp in his passport and he LOVED the Bahamas. I plan to have the boys there every other year so it can be like home to them as it is to me!!

Aiden and his free spirited self...

LOOK AT THAT FACE!!!! (making kissy noises) lol
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