‘Tis the season! Amid potty training and party planning for my little girl’s second birthday party, I caught a glimpse of myself and gasped in amazement. Whether you’re a twenty-something mom or a seasoned professional, we all are guilty of putting the needs of our families ahead of our own in one way or another. Here are my tips from a toddler mom on getting through the Winter Holidays unscathed!
Skin Savvy. If you’re like me, you grew comfortable running a cloth over your face in the shower and calling it a skin regimen. Then one day, you looked up and realized in the same instant that the person you were gawking at with that What’s up with her?!? Look was you! Unless you’re a sixteen year old mom, you absolutely need a skincare regimen that includes cleansing, toning, moisturizing, masking, exfoliating and steaming. Follow the cleansing ritual daily (twice, preferably) and opt for a day each week to exfoliate or mask. Try and stay away from products that use lots of ingredients that you can’t pronounce. My personal favorites are Origins and Carol’s Daughter! Since I’m not a huge fan of patchouli ( a woodsy, earthy scent), I use Origins.
Simplify your Routine. A part of the reason I abandoned my makeup routine was because it wasn’t simple. After realizing I looked like somebody punched me in the face EVERYDAY!, a trip to the makeup counter uncovered the source of my problem. After trying on bronzers, mineralizers and sparkling shadows, I looked a shiny tired mess! Then the artist used concealer to clean up the shadow job and EUREKA! I bought a tube (and nothing else) and never looked back. For day to day, I opt for a simple routine of tinted moisturizer, concealer and gloss. I may add in a little bronzer and mascara, but your daily face shouldn’t take you more than five minutes.
Multi-Tasking Maven. Most mornings for me are filled with sitting silently waiting to hear a tinkle in the toilet from my little potty-training Princess! Most recently, I’ve taken to using this time to do other things related to getting ready in the mornings like brushing my teeth or brushing my hair. Whether you have a short commute alone to the babysitters or you wake up before anyone else in the house, use your time wisely! Goody Stash. Keep some cards and simple gifts tucked away for those surprise visitors, or those teachers that let you know their birthday is tomorrow. Trust me, it cuts down on the unexpected errands and makes life easier.
Child Chat. Connect with other Moms! One of my favorite parts about talking to Moms who seem to have everything under control is that if you talk long enough, they spill the beans! I had the hardest time getting my kid to eat veggies until one day, her friend’s mom told me to pick up some frozen “chik’n bites” that were really veggies stuffed in a little nugget! She loved them! If you aren’t comfortable making friends in the grocery store or the airport (like I am), log on to a few forums where you can ease in to the social scene gradually. Build your Brigade! My girlfriend at work has a similar job as mine that requires us to travel. She had the genius idea to alternate late work nights so that we can be each other’s babysitters. We’re not in this alone, and no one gets to the top without a little help. Lean on those you trust to help out with the baby, especially when you need a break!
Joscelyne is a twenty-something toddler mom who juggles marriage to a law student, work in non-profit philanthropy and an amateur yet fabulous cook!
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