Anywho, when I noticed that Aiden wanted to stand up more and push things around I did some research on kids and shoes. We all love to see our babies in cute little shoes but the reality is that shoes restrict the foot growth and bone development. So try and keep those cute li

I also found that it is best that your baby learn to walk barefoot where he/she can feel the ground under their feet and use natural traction. Out with the old school hard, flat, ugly white shoes that all of our parents have bronzed on their So what can you use for around the house? I found a couple things that work if you have hardwood floors. If you are really on a budget (which we ALL are right now) you can go down to your closest Old Navy and pick up some Triple-Roll Socks that have the traction stars on the bottom....they will run you a little less than $2 each. They don't come off and the stars on the bottom make sure your baby doesn't slip around while pushing those toys. Another item that I LOVE are the Soft Shoes from One Step Ahead. They are FAB!!!! Downside is that you have to order them and they are about $10 each...but they are kinda worth every penny!!! lol...
Aiden was born in the summer so I didn't really have to worry about shoes for a while, but I felt like when it got colder he should have shoes on his Well I was wrong (even though he was cute in his little Old Navy Shoes), so get some REALLY thick socks and keep those feet warm!!!!
If and when you decide to put your baby in shoes make sure you get their feet measured and that the shoes are a half size to big. AND MEASURE OFTEN!!!! You don't want your baby's feet to be scrunched up.
Until next time Mommy's....
I remember calling my pediatrician while I was in a shoe store dying to by Kinsley some cute little kicks. Well of course, the doctor shut that idea down really quick. She gave me the same advice that you gave, barefoot is best. So I agree, out with the old rules, in with the new, no shoes for my baby until she was already fully walking.