Today I cleaned the infant car seat, put Aiden's clothes on the bottom rack and some of Noah's on the top rack, re arranged the drawers in the dresser (I think we may have to buy a second one...ugh), cleaned all the covers for the bouncy seats and swings, list goes on. needless to say I am in a serious nesting mode. I didn't nest while I was pregnant with Aiden and that may be because I was super swollen at the end and just ready for it to be over. With Noah I am in serious pain (back and nerve pain) and anxious to see if I will be able to have the vaginal birth that I desire so badly to have!!!!
I am having PLENTY of contractions but not all of them are painful. But I average about 4 an hour...which is good I guess. We have a doctors appointment tomorrow (37 weeks 5 days) and I HOPE she tells me that I have dilated to AT LEAST 1cm!!!! If I am not dilated I will be very disappointed and closer to accepting that next Thursday I will be having a c-section...and that will make me very sad.
There are still things on my to do list!!! I need to get the pack and play up from the closet in the guest room and clean that, bring the swing up from the guest room, we need to order the crib and get the mattress, re arrange the nursery, finish packing my bag, go to babies r us to get a couple items that I still need, find some bedding that I love (the one I fell in love with was sold out and discontinued so that is out!!), I am sure that I am missing some things. So I hope that I can get them done this week just in case Noah decides to come!!!
Wall after the name stencil has been painted as well as the stars
Aiden's wall...directly across from Noah's
Beginning phase of Paul putting the shelve up...
He is making GREAT progress...
And the finished product. I put Aiden's clothes on the bottom so he can access them (and he LOVES that) and only have hung up newborn and 0-3 month clothes. I need more hangers!!!! lol
**UPDATE*** I got more hangers and will be hanging up a TON (60 hangers worth) of clothes today!!! YAY!!! Also, I contacted the company that we use for the stencils (Woodland Manufacturing) and they are going to send us out a replacement stencil at no charge!!! How about that customer service. What I love about them is that you can customize the stencil to whatever font you want to use!!! How FAB is that????
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