A common occurrence in new babies is that they can be lactose intolerant. Sometimes they grow out if it by 12 months...and sometimes they don't. Well we found out very early that Aiden was lactose intolerant...and he does not get it from my side of the family...lol.
I personally LOVE cheese and Aiden is at the point where I would give him things like cheese and yogurt but since he is lactose intolerant that is not an option. So I went on a search for yogurt alternatives...and guess what...there are not many options...especially when you are trying to stay away from soy.
I did happen to find a lactose-free organic yogurt called True Yogurt that is out of Vermont. Unfortunately it is only available at Whole Food stores in the Upper East Coast. And guess what...they will not ship it to me either!!!!! What kind of mess is that???? So I went to my local Whole Foods to see what other options I had. And eureka...there is a goat milk option as well as a coconut milk option. I had never thought to try goats milk nor did I know that there was such a thing as coconut milk yogurt.
Also while I was at Whole Foods I picked up some locally grown peaches for Aiden to eat with the yogurt. So tomorrow morning will be the first try...and I think I will start with the goats milk yogurt, give it a few days...and see if he has the stomach discomfort that comes with lactose products. Pray for me people...and look out for my reviews of both!!!!!
So I tried the Goats Milk yogurt first and he LOVED IT!!!!! YAY!!! And since giving it to him over 24 hours ago there has been no stomach discomfort!!! Double YAY!!! I gave it to him with some pureed peaches...which he loved as well...and at first he made the cutest yuck face, but then wanted more. He ate 2oz of the combination. So I will be keeping a supply of that yogurt in the house at all times. The only down side is that it does not have a lot of calcium in it...which is a big downer for me. But I will find other ways for him to get the calcium that he needs.
Blog about my day to day life as being a Mommy of Two and all the good, bad and ugly that comes along with it.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Travel Buddy!!!
All parents...especially Mommy's...out there know how hard it is to travel with a baby, toddler, or child. Aiden has had 2 plane rides this year so far and numerous road trips. He just got back from a trip to Tennessee to see his Lubby and surprise his Great Gran for her birthday. She was DEFINITELY surprised at how big Aiden has gotten.
Well next weekend Aiden and I will be back on a plane to Minnesota and the day we get back he is getting on the road to go to Hilton Head for the rest of the week!!! He is going to be wore out!!! His Uncle Raaj is graduating from High School in Minnesota and we would not miss that for the world. And the trip to Hilton Head is for the Douglass' annual family trip that happens during a medical conference that is held there every year.
Now back to the ups and downs of traveling. Recently I purchased Aiden is very own piece of luggage!!!!! I got it from PB Teen (Pottery Barn)...rather than Pottery Barn Kids...because I wanted something big boy!!!!
And boy is it...it is from their digital line. It was used for his trip to TN and it was PERFECT!!!! Now what I want is either a Maclaren Triumph or the Eco friendly UPPAbaby G-Lite. They are stylish umbrella strollers that would travel much easier than my Peg Perego P3 (that I LOVE LOVE LOVE). The MacLaren runs about $190 and the UPPAbaby is about $129, but I found a Maclaren on ebay for $110 that comes with two different covers!!! You can't that with a stick.

Something else that makes it easier that I don't carry a purse anymore. I mean why should I? Aiden's diaper bag (from Pottery Bark Kids of course) is big enough to fit the whole world in!!! I normally check my bag and use Aiden's as my carry on (especially with the price to check luggage these days!!!!), so just imagine me pushing my P3 that has a huge diaper bag attached to it, with a baby that does not like to stay in his stroller, pulling a piece of carry on luggage!!! OMG...by the time I get on the plane I am a mess!!! lol...My BFF and fellow Mommy Natalia told me to chuck the stroller for the airport and put Aiden in the sling (peanut shell) on my hip...now if I could just find his sling I would be golden.
So my goal for our flight next week....FIND THE PEANUT SHELL!!!! lol...until next time...
Well next weekend Aiden and I will be back on a plane to Minnesota and the day we get back he is getting on the road to go to Hilton Head for the rest of the week!!! He is going to be wore out!!! His Uncle Raaj is graduating from High School in Minnesota and we would not miss that for the world. And the trip to Hilton Head is for the Douglass' annual family trip that happens during a medical conference that is held there every year.
Now back to the ups and downs of traveling. Recently I purchased Aiden is very own piece of luggage!!!!! I got it from PB Teen (Pottery Barn)...rather than Pottery Barn Kids...because I wanted something big boy!!!!

Something else that makes it easier that I don't carry a purse anymore. I mean why should I? Aiden's diaper bag (from Pottery Bark Kids of course) is big enough to fit the whole world in!!! I normally check my bag and use Aiden's as my carry on (especially with the price to check luggage these days!!!!), so just imagine me pushing my P3 that has a huge diaper bag attached to it, with a baby that does not like to stay in his stroller, pulling a piece of carry on luggage!!! OMG...by the time I get on the plane I am a mess!!! lol...My BFF and fellow Mommy Natalia told me to chuck the stroller for the airport and put Aiden in the sling (peanut shell) on my hip...now if I could just find his sling I would be golden.
So my goal for our flight next week....FIND THE PEANUT SHELL!!!! lol...until next time...
Monday, May 11, 2009
Snack Time
So I discovered this weekend that Aiden's top teeth are cutting!!!! How exciting is th
at!!! His bottom two teeth came in around valentine's Day when he was only 5 months old. While I was at Wal-Mart one day with one of my fellow Mommy's Tasha and saw some puffs by Gerber that dissolve in the mouth. I decided that it was about time Aiden started feeding himself something and learn how to chew. And boy is he cute when he chews.
The puffs came in a variety of flavors but I decided on Apple Cinnamon and sweet Potato. Unfortunately they were not organic, but I figured that he would not be eating them ALL the time and I was sure that I would find some that were organic. He LOVED them...and what I think he loved the most was the fact that he co
uld feed them to himself!!! He got super excited when I put him in his high chair and poured a few on the tray.
While we were in Minnesota last month I went to the market close to Talia's (my oldest friend whose son Garyson is about 6 months older than Aiden) house and they had ORGANIC puffs!!! Of course I got some to see if Aiden would take them and he did!!! I was so excited!!!! And they are made by Happy Baby...the company I spoke of before that has organic baby food that comes frozen.
The Happy Baby flavors are Apple, Banana, and Greens. So Aiden was all out of the apple so while at Babies R Us today I decided to get all three flavors. Aiden is NOT a fan of banana but for $2.99 I figured it was worth a shot. So look for an update on if he likes banana and greens. I hope that he does.
Oh, while I am on the subject of BRU (Babies R Us), I went there today to pick up a few of my favorite things. I had to get Aiden some more of the Safety Spoons that I like by Munchkin. They turn white if the food is too hot...and the spoon is soft so it feels good on his gums. I also had to get a Snack Trap to put his puffs in when we travel. I needed to get some more of my favorite bottle brushes that are BRU brand, but they were sold out....guess they are other Mommy's favorite as well!!!!

The puffs came in a variety of flavors but I decided on Apple Cinnamon and sweet Potato. Unfortunately they were not organic, but I figured that he would not be eating them ALL the time and I was sure that I would find some that were organic. He LOVED them...and what I think he loved the most was the fact that he co

While we were in Minnesota last month I went to the market close to Talia's (my oldest friend whose son Garyson is about 6 months older than Aiden) house and they had ORGANIC puffs!!! Of course I got some to see if Aiden would take them and he did!!! I was so excited!!!! And they are made by Happy Baby...the company I spoke of before that has organic baby food that comes frozen.
The Happy Baby flavors are Apple, Banana, and Greens. So Aiden was all out of the apple so while at Babies R Us today I decided to get all three flavors. Aiden is NOT a fan of banana but for $2.99 I figured it was worth a shot. So look for an update on if he likes banana and greens. I hope that he does.
Oh, while I am on the subject of BRU (Babies R Us), I went there today to pick up a few of my favorite things. I had to get Aiden some more of the Safety Spoons that I like by Munchkin. They turn white if the food is too hot...and the spoon is soft so it feels good on his gums. I also had to get a Snack Trap to put his puffs in when we travel. I needed to get some more of my favorite bottle brushes that are BRU brand, but they were sold out....guess they are other Mommy's favorite as well!!!!
My Mother's Day
Well my weekend was WONDERFUL!!! And my Mother's Day was the icing on the cake. On Sunday Paul and Aiden brought me my favorite meal from the flying Biscuit...AND my White Chocolate Mocha (3 shots of espresso) from Starbucks!!!!
AND I got gifts. I got another charm for my charm bracelet from Tiffany's. I got a little crown...from my Prince Aiden!!! How cute. I also got a bookmark with his picture in it (I love to read), a framed picture,some flowers and a gift certificate to my favorite spa so I can get a massage!!!!! Man I am a lucky lady!!!!
Auntie Lauren and GUT (Godfather Uncle Travis) came over to play with Aiden and they gave me a very nice insulated mug that was engraved. We relaxed for a LONG time and then finally went to dinner at one of my favorite Mexican spots...Blue Frog Cantina in East Atlanta. After that we went to visit my Mommy and then went to see Lubby (Paul's Mommy). All in all it was a great day!!! A very long one..but a great day. I will update this post with pictures as soon as I can get them!!!
AND I got gifts. I got another charm for my charm bracelet from Tiffany's. I got a little crown...from my Prince Aiden!!! How cute. I also got a bookmark with his picture in it (I love to read), a framed picture,some flowers and a gift certificate to my favorite spa so I can get a massage!!!!! Man I am a lucky lady!!!!
Auntie Lauren and GUT (Godfather Uncle Travis) came over to play with Aiden and they gave me a very nice insulated mug that was engraved. We relaxed for a LONG time and then finally went to dinner at one of my favorite Mexican spots...Blue Frog Cantina in East Atlanta. After that we went to visit my Mommy and then went to see Lubby (Paul's Mommy). All in all it was a great day!!! A very long one..but a great day. I will update this post with pictures as soon as I can get them!!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
This poem was sent to me a couple weeks ago from Lubby (Paul's Mother) and of course I cried when I read it. She is a WONDERFUL Mother and Grandmother and I hope that one day someone will say the same about me. Enjoy...
Before I was a Mom, I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.
Before I was a Mom, I had never been puked on.
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts.
I slept all night.
Before I was a Mom, I never held down a screaming child so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mom, I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put him/her down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.
Before I was a Mom, I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body.
I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and happy.
Before I was a Mom, I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache, the wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much, before I was a Mom .
I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.
Before I was a Mom, I had never been puked on.
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts.
I slept all night.
Before I was a Mom, I never held down a screaming child so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mom, I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put him/her down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.
Before I was a Mom, I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body.
I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and happy.
Before I was a Mom, I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache, the wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much, before I was a Mom .
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Sleep deprivation
Aiden is a little older than 8 months old, and guess what....he does NOT yet sleep through the night. Sometimes I wonder if it is my fault. I had a c-section so it was MUCH easier for him to sleep with me so I could take care of him in the middle of the night than it was for me to put him in a bassinet. After recovering it was a comfort and convenience thing. AND he still eats twice a night...and I mean wakes fully up to eat. Don't get me wrong...I love him sleeping with me at night...but is it the best thing for him, or for me?
For the past 8 months I have not slept more than 4 consecutive hours but on a few occasions. Before having a baby I never took naps nor did I drink coffee...and now I do BOTH. I look forward to my Mommy time and am disappointed when I don't get it...does that make me a bad Mommy? AND my baby is a morning person...and Mommy has never been a morning person...hence the coffee (preferably chocolate coffee...thanks to Natalia)
The Doctor says for us to just let him cry it out...aka ferberize him. I don't mind him crying it out but there is no way that I will let him do it ALL night as she suggested. What is really bad is that I am the only one that he will not lay in the crib for...if he sees me he wont get in it. But Granna (my mother), Auntie Lauren and Paul can get him to lay in the crib!!!! Ugh!!!!
I need for him to sleep in his crib so he can possibly sleep through the night. I just don't know how to get him to do that. Maybe I should by Jo Frost's book and follow her instructions. I just don't know, but I do know that I can not go on walking around in a fog because I am not getting enough sleep!!!!
I am sending out a Mommy SOS!!!!
For the past 8 months I have not slept more than 4 consecutive hours but on a few occasions. Before having a baby I never took naps nor did I drink coffee...and now I do BOTH. I look forward to my Mommy time and am disappointed when I don't get it...does that make me a bad Mommy? AND my baby is a morning person...and Mommy has never been a morning person...hence the coffee (preferably chocolate coffee...thanks to Natalia)
The Doctor says for us to just let him cry it out...aka ferberize him. I don't mind him crying it out but there is no way that I will let him do it ALL night as she suggested. What is really bad is that I am the only one that he will not lay in the crib for...if he sees me he wont get in it. But Granna (my mother), Auntie Lauren and Paul can get him to lay in the crib!!!! Ugh!!!!
I need for him to sleep in his crib so he can possibly sleep through the night. I just don't know how to get him to do that. Maybe I should by Jo Frost's book and follow her instructions. I just don't know, but I do know that I can not go on walking around in a fog because I am not getting enough sleep!!!!
I am sending out a Mommy SOS!!!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Fresh Organic Yumminess....
Disclaimer: Let me begin by saying that I am not an expert. I am only speaking from my perspective and these are just my opinions. It is not my intention to make any Mommy feel like they are not doing enough or providing the best for their baby.
With that said lets get this food party started!!!!!!!
I grew up in a VERY large family of cooks. EVERYONE can cook in my family. And when it came to baby food it was always fresh...never jarred...and it was normally my Daddy making it...lol. We also drank freshly juiced juice...I know I know...pretty cool right. (Well I DID grow up in Minnesota...land of co-op's)
So when it was time to start giving Aiden food, of COURSE I was going to be making all of his baby food. While I was pregnant we converted to organic food so Aiden got the good
stuff right from the beginning. Also while pregnant I fell in love with the Beaba Babycook at William-Sonoma. It is a WONDERFUL machine and I just had to have it when it was time for me to make my baby food. And I made it so well known that I wanted it that I got TWO of them for Christmas!!!! (Thanks Mommy and Paul) Needless to say I tried to justify having two, but ended taking one back and ordering Aiden's FAB Radian 65 Convertible car seat...but car seats will come in another post. The Beaba will run about $149 which can be a little expensive (it is worth every penny though) so an alternative is a mini food processors that you can get almost anywhere for under $20. Just use a steamer basket in a pot to steam the food in.
This thing steams, purees, AND reheats (defrosts) ALL IN ONE!!!! You can't beat that with a stick. It is so quick and easy....and super easy to clean. It makes my puree-a-thons go in a snap. I know what you are thinking...how time consuming it must be to make baby food. Well it is not!!!! What I did was ordered my 2oz Jumbo baby Cubes (that are BPA free) from my favorite online baby store One Step Head for me to freeze the food in. At first I just got two sets (each set has 8-2oz containers) but I later found it better to have 4 sets total so I ordered more...and at $5.95 each it was a STEAL. Went to the Dekalb County Farmer's Market here in Atlanta (I could do a post on this place alone because it is that fabulous!!!) where for like $26 I could get Aiden 2 kinds of apples, 2 kinds of squash, zucchini, avocado, pears, mango, carrots, berries, and sweet potatoes (enough to freeze for about 2-3weeks worth of food)...and ALL ORGANIC at that!!!! And spend a Sunday afternoon having a puree-a-thon.
Maybe I make it sound so easy because it is. I just put Aiden in his Excersaucer or let me crawl around on the floor. Pop the sweet potatoes, acorn squash, and McIntosh apples in the oven. Steam the Fugi apples in the babycook and then play with him for like 25 minutes while they steam...puree them, put them in the containers, pop them in the freezer and move on to the next item to puree. It really is that easy!!!!
So lets talk food. Organic is best...bottom line. Whether you are doing fresh or jar you MUST MUST MUST feed your baby organic. You want to always avoid added sugar...only foods and juices that are naturally sweetened. Find a local farmers market or co-op in your area...try to avoid Whole Foods because they are WAY overpriced. That way you know that you are getting fresh and it will clearly let you know what items are organic and what are not.
Jar Vs Fresh. There are a few things that make fresh better other than it being just that...fresh. Jarred baby food is VERY bland. The food that you make is so much yummyer because it is...well for lack of a better word...fresh. You can add a little butter (and I mean the real stuff people...not country crock that is 55% vegetable oil) or some herbs or spices to the food to give it that extra kick. You will not find that in jarred food. Don't get me wrong...when we have traveled to Minnesota I have bought Aiden some Earth's Best baby food. He does not like it very much but he will eat it. (The babycook is small enough to travel with, but by car...lol. I would not trust any airline not to break my $149 babycook...and I would be too mad about it if they did!!!) I tried out a couple kinds at home before going out of town so I knew which ones Aiden liked. Made it easier for me when I got to Minnesota. Another brand that is good is Happy Baby...and the cool thing about this kind is that it is not jarred!!!! You buy it frozen as if you made it!!!! How about them apples!!! Aiden eats their puffs and LOVES THEM...they come in apple, banana, and greens. They have a location on their site where you can find where to buy their product in your area or they can ship it to you...how fab is that!!!!
What I suggest is just to try making fresh baby food a couple times. Invest a little money in the future of your baby's taste buds. What you give your baby now is going to be what they eat in the future. I am so glad that my parents introduced ALL kinds of foods to me as a child because there is not ONE veggie that I do not eat today...I even like brussel sprouts!!!! And it is what is best for their bodies. There are tons of sites out there with recipes and how to instructions. I have the Cooking For Baby book and I refer to the Wholesome Babyfood site all the time.
If you have any questions about when to give your baby certain foods or recipe questions...shoot me an email at allthingbaby@gmail.com. I will do my best to either answer your question or show you where you can find the answer. As all my friends that are Mommy's or will be Mommy's know...I am a researchaholic when it comes to ALL THINGS BABY!!!!
With that said lets get this food party started!!!!!!!
I grew up in a VERY large family of cooks. EVERYONE can cook in my family. And when it came to baby food it was always fresh...never jarred...and it was normally my Daddy making it...lol. We also drank freshly juiced juice...I know I know...pretty cool right. (Well I DID grow up in Minnesota...land of co-op's)
So when it was time to start giving Aiden food, of COURSE I was going to be making all of his baby food. While I was pregnant we converted to organic food so Aiden got the good

This thing steams, purees, AND reheats (defrosts) ALL IN ONE!!!! You can't beat that with a stick. It is so quick and easy....and super easy to clean. It makes my puree-a-thons go in a snap. I know what you are thinking...how time consuming it must be to make baby food. Well it is not!!!! What I did was ordered my 2oz Jumbo baby Cubes (that are BPA free) from my favorite online baby store One Step Head for me to freeze the food in. At first I just got two sets (each set has 8-2oz containers) but I later found it better to have 4 sets total so I ordered more...and at $5.95 each it was a STEAL. Went to the Dekalb County Farmer's Market here in Atlanta (I could do a post on this place alone because it is that fabulous!!!) where for like $26 I could get Aiden 2 kinds of apples, 2 kinds of squash, zucchini, avocado, pears, mango, carrots, berries, and sweet potatoes (enough to freeze for about 2-3weeks worth of food)...and ALL ORGANIC at that!!!! And spend a Sunday afternoon having a puree-a-thon.
Maybe I make it sound so easy because it is. I just put Aiden in his Excersaucer or let me crawl around on the floor. Pop the sweet potatoes, acorn squash, and McIntosh apples in the oven. Steam the Fugi apples in the babycook and then play with him for like 25 minutes while they steam...puree them, put them in the containers, pop them in the freezer and move on to the next item to puree. It really is that easy!!!!
So lets talk food. Organic is best...bottom line. Whether you are doing fresh or jar you MUST MUST MUST feed your baby organic. You want to always avoid added sugar...only foods and juices that are naturally sweetened. Find a local farmers market or co-op in your area...try to avoid Whole Foods because they are WAY overpriced. That way you know that you are getting fresh and it will clearly let you know what items are organic and what are not.
Jar Vs Fresh. There are a few things that make fresh better other than it being just that...fresh. Jarred baby food is VERY bland. The food that you make is so much yummyer because it is...well for lack of a better word...fresh. You can add a little butter (and I mean the real stuff people...not country crock that is 55% vegetable oil) or some herbs or spices to the food to give it that extra kick. You will not find that in jarred food. Don't get me wrong...when we have traveled to Minnesota I have bought Aiden some Earth's Best baby food. He does not like it very much but he will eat it. (The babycook is small enough to travel with, but by car...lol. I would not trust any airline not to break my $149 babycook...and I would be too mad about it if they did!!!) I tried out a couple kinds at home before going out of town so I knew which ones Aiden liked. Made it easier for me when I got to Minnesota. Another brand that is good is Happy Baby...and the cool thing about this kind is that it is not jarred!!!! You buy it frozen as if you made it!!!! How about them apples!!! Aiden eats their puffs and LOVES THEM...they come in apple, banana, and greens. They have a location on their site where you can find where to buy their product in your area or they can ship it to you...how fab is that!!!!
What I suggest is just to try making fresh baby food a couple times. Invest a little money in the future of your baby's taste buds. What you give your baby now is going to be what they eat in the future. I am so glad that my parents introduced ALL kinds of foods to me as a child because there is not ONE veggie that I do not eat today...I even like brussel sprouts!!!! And it is what is best for their bodies. There are tons of sites out there with recipes and how to instructions. I have the Cooking For Baby book and I refer to the Wholesome Babyfood site all the time.
If you have any questions about when to give your baby certain foods or recipe questions...shoot me an email at allthingbaby@gmail.com. I will do my best to either answer your question or show you where you can find the answer. As all my friends that are Mommy's or will be Mommy's know...I am a researchaholic when it comes to ALL THINGS BABY!!!!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Welcome to My Mommy Diary

So hello bloggisphere...my name is Aja J'Nae Mann. I am a first time mommy to Aiden Joseph Douglass...a.k.a Prince Aiden. As of today he is 8 months old...weighs 23 pounds and is 30 inches long!!!! Yeah I know...he is a giant. He is healthy and happy and the best thing that has every happened to me. I tend to get a lot of emails and phone calls for advice about things, so I think that this will be a great avenue to spread some of my mommy knowledge.
My Mommy Diary will list some of my favorite things....well a lot of my favorite things because I am obsessive about Aiden having the best and safest of everything. I will talk about funny things that happen to me and not so funny things...lol. I will talk about conversations that I have with my other Mommy friends (and I will change their names for their protection...lol) because they are some of the funniest people I know.
I will share Aiden's milestones and pictures of him and his fabulous personality. So stay tuned...
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